
Antonin Scalia

By mzhang
  • Birth

    Antonin Scalia was born in Trenton New Jersey on March 11, 1936. His parents were Kathy Panero and S. Eugene. He was an only child.
  • Period: to


  • Move

    He moved with his family to Queens, New York.
  • Graduation

    Graduated with Bachelor of Arts from Georgetown university
  • Harvard

    Went to study at Harvard Law and graduated
  • Marriage

    He married Muareen McCarty.
  • Fellowship

    Got a Sheldon Fellowship.
  • Traveled

    Fellowship allowed him to travel around Europe.
  • Children

    They had their firt child Ann Forrest. There other children were Eugene (Now a labor attorney), John Francis, Catherine Elisabeth, Mary Clare, Paul David (currently a priest at St. Johns church in McLean). They also had Matthew ( Now a U.S. Army Major), Christopher James (Now an English professor at the University of Virginia's college at Wise), and Margaret Jane (Studying at the University of Virginia).
  • Professor

    He became a professor of law at university of Virginia
  • Job

    he worked under Richard Nixon at the general council for the office of the telecommunications policy.
  • Chairman

    He started work as chairman of the administrative conference of the united states.
  • Assistant Attorney General

    hestarted serving as the assistant Attorney General for the office of Legal counsel under the Ford administration.
  • Judge

    Ronald Regan appoints him as judge on the United states court of appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
  • Nomination

    Reagan nominates him to replace William Rehnquist as the associate Justice of the Supreme court.
  • Supreme court

    Was voted for the supreme court in senate vote 98-0 and took his seat.
  • Case

    Antonin Scalia heard a case where defendants sued petitioners for targeting them for deportation. They sued them because of their association with a politically unpopular group. While their suit was pending, Congress had passed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility . Justice Scalia was dissenting.