Period: to
Reconstruction of the South
Lincoln's proclamation of amnesty
Lincoln was willing to give any confederate who swore and oth of loyalty to the Union a full pardon. They would also have to abide by any new laws concerning slavery and state governments. Officers and high rnaking offcials were excluded. -
Wade-Davis Bill
This bill which was proposed by radical republicans required all white males in former confederte states to take an oath to the Union. Each state would hold a constitutional convention which would abolish slavey. High ranking confederate officials would not be allowed to hold offie or vote. This bill was eventually pocket vetoed by Lincoln. -
Lincoln's Assassination
Lincoln is Assassinated and Andrew Johnson takes over. -
Johnson's proclamation of amnesty
Johnson's proclamation was almost identical to Lincoln's except all those excluded from a full pardon could apply for one on a case by case basis. -
Freedmen's Bureau
A government run Bureau that gave relief to slaves who needed help getting back on their feet. -
Civil Rights Act of 1866
This act granted anyone born in the U.S. except native americans citizenship and it also gave african americans the right to own property. -
Military Reconstruction Acts
Divided the confederate states into 5 military districts except Tennessee with a general i charge of each district. -
Johnson is impeached
Johnson stays in office after a close call on a vote that almost took him out of office. -
Fourteenth Admendment
This solidified the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and stated that no state can deprive citizen of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. -
Fifteenth Amendment
Stated the the right to vote will not be denied to anyone. -
Panic of 1873
A series of economical failures worldwide that caused a financial crisis in the U.S. -
Whiskey Ring
A scandle which was exposed and it was run by many of Grant's administrators. -
Compromise of 1877
A secret compromise between republicans and democrats to pull out troops from the south if Hayes was elected.