Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
Oct 1, 1406
Ptolemy's geography is introduced in Europe.
Nov 28, 1450
Prince Henry the Navigator establishes a naval observatory for the teaching of navigation, astronomy, and cartography.
Nov 29, 1450
Invention of the printing press spurs wide distribution of navigation tables and ship plans. Ptolemy's geography is published and widely accepted.
Nov 28, 1453
Turks overrun Constantinople, shutting off the overland trade route.
Nov 28, 1484
Portuguese explorations discover Africa's Gold Coast and the Congo River.
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Nov 28, 1487
Bartolomeu Dias barely touches the Cape of Good Hope.
Nov 28, 1492
Christopher Columbus sets sail.
Nov 28, 1497
John Cabot sites "new found land" while searching for Northwest Passage.
Nov 28, 1498
Vasco da Gama rounds the Cape of Good Hope and reaches India.
Nov 28, 1506
Christopher Columbus dies.
Nov 28, 1519
Magellan begins his journey to circumnavigate the world with five ships and 270 men.
Nov 28, 1522
September 6, eighteen of Magellan's crew and one ship return.
Nov 28, 1534
Jacques Cartier enters the St. Lawrence River. Land in Great Lakes claimed for France.
Nov 28, 1577
Sir Francis Drake sets sail from England. He circumnavigates the globe.
Henry Hudson explores present-day New York and Hudson River and claims them for the Dutch.
James Cook begins the first of his Pacific explorations.
Cook documents location of Australia.
Cook explores Hawaiian Islands. He fails to locate Northwest Passage from Alaskan side.
Cook killed in Hawaii.