South Secedes from the Union
Period: to
The American Cival War
Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration
Confederate Constitution Created
The seven seceding states created the Confederate Constitution, similar to the United States Constitution, but having greater stress of autonomy of each state. Jefferson Davis was named provisional president of the Confederacy until official elections could talk place. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
Opening engagement of The American Civil War -
First Battle of Bull Run
Because of public demand, Union troops were sent to advance upon Confederate troops located at Manassas Junction, Virginia. Initially it was a success, but with the reinforcement of Confederate troops a retreat was called for. -
Nashville 1st Confederate state capital to fall to Union
General "Stonewall" Jackson forced Union forces to retreat across Potomac
During the famous campaign through the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia General "Stonewall" Jackson won several battles preventing Union offensive against Richmond. In the 1st Battle of Winchester Jackson pursed Union Army until the crossed Potomac River into Maryland. -
Battle of Seven Pine
At Seven Pine the Confederate army attacked and nearly defeated the Union forces, until last minute reinforcements prevented the defeat. Joseph E. Johnson commander of the Confederate was severely wounded and command of the Northern Virginia fell to Robert E. Lee -
Major-General Henry Halleck named general -in-chief of Union army.
Bloodiest day of war 2,108 Union soldiers killed 9,549 wounded. 2700Confederate soldiers killed 9,029 wounded. No clear winner of the war, but General Lee withdrew to Virginia. -
Emancipation Proclamation
With the public's growing support for abolition, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This declared all slaves in the areas still in rebellion, in the eyes of the federal government free -
Battle of Chancellorsville
Even though General Lee's forces defeated General Hooker's Union army causing them to withdraw across Rappahannock River. This Southern victory was the Confederate armies most costly in casualties -
General "Stonewall" Jackson dies
Following amputation of his arm at Chancellorsville, Stonewall died of pneumonia. -
Vicksburg Campaign
General Grant began siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi. After 6 weeks Confederate General John Pemberton surrendered the city and 30,000 men. Shortly after with the capture of Port Hudson, Louisiana this placed the entire Mississippi River in Union hands therefore splitting the Confederacy in two -
Gettysburg Campain
General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate army decided to take the war to the enemy by defeating Union forces at Winchester, Virginia, and North to Pennsylvania. -
Battle of Gettysburg
Chance encounter between Union and Confederate forces began this battle. General Meade of the Union forces won battle but did not follow General Lee of the Confederate forces back to Virginia as he retreated. This battle is significant because it ended the Confederates hopes of formal recognition by foreign governments. -
2nd assault on Fort Wagner
Failed assaults on Fort Wagner of July 11 General Gilmore
launched an attack spearheaded by the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, a black regiment. The unit's Colonel Robert Gould Shaw was killed. After members of brigade scaled parapet due to brutal hand-to-hand combat they were driven out suffering heavy casualties. This was a fourth time that black troops played crucial combat roles. William Harvey Carney an African American fighting in this assault, receiving a Medal of Honor for his action -
Gettysburg Address
President Lincoln dedicated a potion of the Gettysburg battlefield as a national cemetery, and delivered this memorable speech. -
Wilderness Campaign
General Grant who was promoted commander of the Union armies planned to destroy Lee's forces in Virginia. Both forces fought an inconclusive three-day battle. Lee inflicted more casualties on the Union forces than his own, but he had no replacements. -
Battle of Cold Harbor
General Grant attacked Confederate forces at Cold Harbor, losing 7,000 men in twenty minutes in the process. Even though General Lee's army suffered fewer casualties, they were unable to recover from the unrelenting attacks from Grant. This was General Lee's last clear victory of the Civil War. -
Abraham Lincoln re-elected as presidential candidate.
Due to widespread war-weariness in North it seemed doubtful a victory for Lincoln. Sherman's victory in Atlanta boosted his popularity and helped win his re-election by a wide margin. -
Sherman in Atlanta
General Sherman of the Union forces forced General Hood to abandon Atlanta, the munitions center of the Confederacy. Here Sherman's troops remained to rest his war-worn men and accumulate supplies. -
Fort Fisher
General Alfred H Terry, took Fort Fisher by storm on January 15, sealing Wilmington, North Carolina which was the last resort of the blockade-runners. During the assault on Fort Fisher one of a boat crew was detailed to one of the generals on shore. Ordinary Seaman Philip Bazaar, was born in Chile, South America. In the assault accompanied his party in carrying dispatches at height of battle. He and five other men entered the fort in the assault and therefore received a Medal of Honor. -
Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address
Fallen Richmond
After attacking General Grant's forces near Petersburg and being defeated, General Lee evacuated Richmond and headed west to join with other forces. -
General Robert E Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S.Grant
On April 7, General Lee's troops were surrounded and General Grant called upon the surrender of Union forces. On April 9, the two commanders met at Appomattox Courthouse and agreed upon the terms of surrender. Lee's men were sent home parole- they were allowed to go home with their horses, officers were allowed their side arms. All other equipment was surrendered. -
Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln
While watching a performance at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., President Lincoln was shot, dying the next morning, by John Wilkes Booth. Mr. Booth was an actor obsessed with avenging the Confederate defeat. He was able to escape, but was cornered eleven days later in a burning barn, where he was fatally shot by Union soldiers. -
Final Surrenders amoung remaining Confederate Troops
The remaining troops of the Confederate army were defeated between April and the end of May. On May 10 Jefferson Davis was captured in Georgia.