1995 : ]
I lived in Canada for 14 and half years. I lived in hongkong For 6months , and grew up in Canada, -
My brother was born !! ,3
The date my brother was born,although we get into a lot of arguements, i know mty life woudlnt be as funn and interesting without im in my life (: -
Buttonville public school
Buttonville is in markam, Ontario. I went to school there from grade 1 - 5. -
Grandmothers Death :[
The day my grandmother died, was a mournful event in my life. -
My first trip to florida
My first time i was on an airplane, and went to spend vaction somewhere that is outside of Canada. -
Qakridges Public School
I went to oakridges public school from grade 5 -8. -
We moved to RichmondHill.
most of my life i was always moving and living around,and i never stayed in one place for awhile, and now i have been living in the same house for more than 4 years!!! -
My 2 month trip to hongkong!!
i went back to hongkong duirng 2008 for twomonths, for family purposes ! Although, i went back to Hongkong for specific reasons , it was nice to visit my home town (: -
Grade 8 graduation
I graduated in june 23 2009 at oakridges public school. -
Firsday Of Highschool At RGSS.
Richmond Green Secondary school , was not my home highschool , instread i was supposed to go to king city, but transfered to richmond Green.