Period: to
Nicaragua: International Support and Verification Commission (CIAV)
Esprit de corps:
The CIAV observers were an unusual bunch, mainly academics, professionals and government functionaries with few ties to the OAS itself. They were originally recruited for short-term contracts as brief as two or three months, but many of them remained in Nicaragua for periods of up to three years. Under the leadership of Santiago Murray, they did not hesitate to get aggressively involved in potentially risky situations involving confrontations. -
Period: to
Suriname: Misión Especial
Period: to
Haiti: La Misión Civil Internacional de la OEA/ONU
Period: to
Guatemala: Apoyo a la Construcción del Proceso de Democratización y Establecimiento de la Paz
Period: to
Haiti: Misión Especial para el Fortalecimiento de la Democracia
Period: to
Colombia: Misión de Apoyo al Proceso de Paz en Colombia (MAPP-OEA)
Ecuador: Mision especial (seleccion miembros Corte Ct)
Julio-Noviembre 2005 -
Bolivia: Misión de Observación Electoral
Colombia: Comisión Forense Internacional
27 julio 2007-14 sept 2007 -
Colombia, Ecuador: Misión de Buenos Oficios de la OEA
Honduras: Misión de Buenos Oficios
Bolivia: Misión de Buenos Oficios
Sept -OCt 2008