Jan 10, 1325
the first toy plane
飛機發明了之後,有一位人發明了一種飛機玩具, 讓小朋友笑口常開的玩.
the wright brother didn't invent the airplane by themsevles, they had help for other people , they gave knowlege to the wright brothers, eg: Otto Lilienthanl of Germany, Samuel Langley of America -
First successful flying model propelled by an internal combustion engine
1901年, "Samuel Pierpont Langley"特建立了汽油動力版本,他串聯翼“機場。”第一次成功的飛行模式以推動由內燃發動機。 -
The first airplane
"Wrights Brother" 發明了第一個飛機.在 1899 他們開始嘗試. 在 1906 他們完成第一個飛機, 所有人都希望全程順利. -
second airplane
First powered flight in Canada
23 Feb 1909 February 23rd, 1909 was the day that the Canadian Silver Dart was in the air. This plane was the first powered plane in Canada. This day is very significant in Canadian aviation. This is because the era of powered flight was launched in this country. -
The Junkers J4, an all-metal airplane, introduced
Hugo Junkers, a German professor of mechanics introduces the Junkers J4.An all-metal airplane built largely , and it was very lightweight aluminum alloy called duralumin. -
First nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic
在五月二十一日, Charles Lindbergh 發明了一輛可以不停地飛的飛機飛過大西洋。旅遊3600英里從紐約到巴黎,飛機命名為Spirit of St. Louis. -
First commercial airliner
在1933年, 有一位人發明了飛機的電視,人們不會覺得很悶,沒有東西做。他們發明了後,所以現在人們可以很開心的坐長途飛機。 -
First jet - powered commericial aircraft
The prototype of De Havilland Comet makes its first flight on July 27. Three years later the Comet starts regular passenger service as the first jet-powered commercial aircraft, flying between London and South Africa. -
flight of first firefighting plane
people came up with the idea of rescue aircraft. The CL-215 was the 3rd rescue plane ever built and was the first ever firefighting plane. These types of planes are safer for firefighters because there is a much lower risk of being burned then there is when they are on the ground. -
Voyager Circumnavigates the globe (26,000 miles) nonstop in 9 days
Using a carbon-composite material, aircraft designer Burt Rutan crafts Voyager is for flying around the world and nonstop on a single load of fuel. Voyager has two centerline engines, one fore and one aft, and weighs less than 2,000 pounds.It nonstop for 9 days. -
1990 B-2轟炸機
Northrop Grumman公司研製的B - 2轟炸機,以“飛翼”的設計。複合材料製成的,而不是金屬,它不能被檢測到常規雷達。 -
after the wright brothers
"Wrights Brother" 發明了飛機後, 別人也發明更好的和有用的飛機. 未來的時候,全世界會有很多飛機. -
Creation of Boeing b-52 bomber
In the year 1955, the plane manufacturer Boeing created a plane that really stood out in the military world. The Boeing b-52 was created specifically for offensive use only. With its eight turbojet engines, intercontinental rage and a maximum capasity of 500 000 pounds, it is considered a pretty powerful military weapon. -
Professional airplane
In 2010, there were many relax seats. It was very safety. It can fly 12 hours, there were many food, drink, TV………..