Creation of the Supreme Court
The supreme court was written into the constitutiob but on March 4, 1789 congress met to fufill what was stated in the constitution. The general idea being that there were to be many courts but for there to be one supreme court to make the final decisions. -
John Jay
John Jay was nominated Cheif Jusice by George Washington. He served until the summer of 1795 when he was elected New York governor. He later was nominated yet again but decided because of his poor health. -
John Marshall
John Marshall was nominated twice for Cheif Justice he declined the first time and the next time he eventually accepted. He is associated with over 1,000 decisions and layed the footprints for constitutional interpitation.He served for thrity-four years and established that the supreme court was the final opinion in interpiating the constitution. -
Marbury v. Madison
William Marbury was comissioned the Justice of Peace in D.C. and at the end of John Adams "Midnight Appointments." When the new administration came and didn't deliver the comission he sued James Madison. It was ruled unconstitutional.
This case was significant because it established the doctrine of judicial review, that allowed the Supreme Court to rule statutes unconstitional. -
Fletcher v. Peck
Georgia created a law grant four companies land thena year later voided the law. By then, one person sold their peice of land and when it was voided the georgia goverment said that it didn't count. In the end though, it was ruled in favor of the land owners. also, it created laws saying that states legisulature could not annull contracts. -
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
The state of New Hampshire tried to chnage Dartmouth College a state college instead of a private college. The state changed the school's charter and transfered the control of the college to trustee appointments. In return the old trustees filed a suit against William H. Woodward. The Court decided that the contract was between private parties, not
The significance of this case was that the word "contract" had a clear definition of transaction(s) among private parties, not between the goverm -
McCollough v. Maryland
Maryland tried to create a tax on the Second Bank of the United States. James W. McCulloch would not pay the taxes. In the end, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of McCulloch and stated that the banks could not tax instutuions of the ational goverment. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
New York gave two people rights to operate steamboats on state waters. Some states would make out of state boats pay a lot of money to navigate withtin their waters. When someone from New Jersey wanted to do buisness between New York and New Jersey they had to buy a special permit. The court ruled New Yorks policy inconsistant with an act that regulated coastal trade and ruled New York's invalid. This was significant because commerce was defined and interstate navigation was included in it. -
Worcester v. Georgia
Georgia legisulature wanted to move the Cherokee Nation and the Indians took them to court over it. The court ruled that Indian's land was seperate from the state and that only the federal goverment could interfere with that. Also, they stated that moving them would be against the constitution. -
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri and then went to a free state. When he went back to Missouri he was considered a slave. In the end, the decision was made that he was was a slave.