Sir John Franklin's time line from birth to death

By chs
  • Birth

    He was born in Spilsby, England.
  • joins Navy

    Joins the British Navy.
  • battle of Copenhagen

    Fights valienty in the battle of Copenhagen.
  • Returns from voyage with uncle

    Returns from a rough voyage with the famed explorer, Matthew Flinders. Matthew Flinders is Sir John Franklin's uncle.
  • Fought in battle of Trafalgar

    A horible battle not to be thought of. Second battle that Franklin has fought in.
  • Completes Navy Duty

    Completes naval duty with flying colours.
  • First Expedition

    The first grand expedition of Sir John Franklin
  • crosses trading post at wintering lake (Fort Enterprise.)

    Trades with natives at the trading post.
  • crosses coppermine river

    crosses the murmuring Coppermine river
  • returns to great Britain

    returns home thankfuly to Great Britain
  • second expedition

    sets out for his second expedition
  • returns to great Britain

    Returns from his second great expedition to home, Great Britain.
  • knighted

    Sir John Franklin is knighted in the Royal Navy.
  • becomes governer

    He has accomplished in the work of being a good citezin and becomes the governer of Great Britain.
  • Last voyage

    Sir John Franklin sets out for his 3rd and last journey, as well as ending his years as a governer.
  • death

    the death of Sir john Franklin.
  • The crew dies

    The last of the crew dies from starvation, frostbite, canabalism, and sheer age