A Rose for Emily

By haven22
  • Emily father dies.

    he dies and she keeps his body around until they have to take it
  • everyone Says sorry

    after her dad dies everyone comes to say sorry and she denies the deeath happening
  • the townspeople talked about the new couple

    the townspeople talked about the new couple
    they noticed Emily with homer a lot and they talked oorly about them
  • Homer Barren arrives in town

    Homer Barren arrives in town
    Emily's father just dies and Homer comes to town and they star to date
  • Homer left

    He left because her cousins got annoying but came back a few days after they left.
  • Emily buys poison

    Emily buys poison
    Emily goes to buy poison but doesn't say why she is buying it
  • a weird smell develops so men try to get rid of it

    a weird smell develops so men try to get rid of it
    homer dissapears and a weird smell develops..maybe the poison was used to kill him
  • Emily doesnt come outside for a while.

    after her dad dies and homer is gone she stayed inside for a long time.
  • Emily's taxes remitted

    they want emily to pay her taxes but she claims she has been
  • Emily gives china painting lessons

    Emily gives china painting lessons
    Emily taught little kids how to paint in her own house.
  • Emily's death

    Emily's death
    emily finally dies shes age 74.
  • Homers skeleton is discovered

    the townspeople bust down the door upstairs and found his skeleton lying in the bed. with grey strands of hair on the pillow beside him.