I was born!
I was born on Novermber 29th, 1995. -
Period: to
My first birthday
It was my first birthday. My parents prepared a birthday party for me. -
First day of school.
First day of school in my life. -
Elementary School
My first day of elementary school, I was lost in the school. Then a higher grade student bought me back to the class room. -
Moved to a new place
My parents bought a home, so I had to change my school , since my old school is really far away from my house. -
Moving to Canada
My family and I moved to Canada, My friends and teachers went to the Hong Kong international airport with me. -
First school day in Canada
I went to school, My dad was worry, so he came to school at lunch. I pretended that i didn't see him, and played with my friends even though it was boring, because I didn't want him to worry about me. -
First Richmond Green school day
I wasn't worry about anything, because my sister went to this school, and I could speak fine Enlgish not like the first day to elementary school -
Time line due date!
I handed this timeline in. It was a really important date for me because I need a good mark