My Life...

  • I was born

    I was born
    This was a couple months after i was born, in my home...
  • My first norooz...

    My first norooz...
    This was very important dau because I was celebrating part of my culture, at the end of that day my grandmother stood at the top of the stairs and threw down $100 dollar bills for us to catch.
  • My 1st Birthday

    My 1st Birthday
    This day was very important because we had a huge party, all of my family came over and we partied all night. We also had a cake with my name on it.
  • My cousin was born...

    My cousin was born...
    This day was very important because my cousin is now my best friend, i watched her grow up and we still see each other every day...
  • My first year in spain...

    My first year in spain...
    This is a very important day because it was the first day i moved to spain. This is where i met all of my friends and where i grew up.
  • My first Halloween...

    My first Halloween...
    This was a very important day because i went as a cowgirl, i went out for a couple of hours and recieved a lot of candy.
  • My first skating lesson...

    My first skating lesson...
    This was a very important day because i love to skate and this is where i met some of my good friends that i still know today...
  • When i met my best friend...

    When i met my best friend...
    This was a very important day because that day was the day i met my best friends matt, martine and kayla, i watched them grow up and we're still best friends today...
  • I got tubes put in my ear...

    I got tubes put in my ear...
    This was a very important day because i had to get surgery to place tubes in my ear... and it hurt when i woke up.... a lot!
  • My 6th Birthday

    My 6th Birthday
    This was a very important day because my parents created a whole carnival in our backyard for me. I enjoyed the jumping castle and the pony rides very much!!
  • My first horseback riding lesson...

    My first horseback riding lesson...
    This was a very important day because if i hadn't taken my first horsebackriding lesson, i wouldnt have had started competing and then i wouldnt have gotten my first horse...
  • My 6th Christmas...

    My 6th Christmas...
    This was a very important christmas because it was the day that santa claus visited me...
  • I got my first pet

    I got my first pet
    This was a very important day because i recieved the most amazing gift in the world; my two ducks, donald and daisy...