The Men of the Atom

  • 370

    Leuccipus Democritis 460-370 B.C

    Leuccipus Democritis 460-370 B.C
    Theorize that all mater was made of Atoms.
  • Robert Boyle 1627-1692

    Robert Boyle 1627-1692
    Created Boyles law which states the relationship between pressure and volume.
  • John Dalton 1766-1844

    John Dalton 1766-1844
    Supported the atomic theory of Democritus, but he was able to prove it scientifically.
  • William Crookes 1832-1919

    William Crookes 1832-1919
    Discovered the Electron using cathode ray tube experiment.
  • J.J. Thompson 1856-1940

    J.J. Thompson 1856-1940
    Credited with discovering the Isotope and the electron.
  • Max Planck 1858-1947

    Max Planck 1858-1947
    Stated that energy is radiated in small units called Quanta. This is later call the Quantum theory.
  • William Wien 1864-1928

    William Wien 1864-1928
    Found the charge to mass ration of atoms.
  • Ernest Rutherfoord 1871-1937

    Ernest Rutherfoord 1871-1937
    Alpha particles are doubly ionized atoms of helium. Also discovers the nucleus.
  • Albert Einstein 1879-1955

    Made up E=MC² which shows theory of relativity.
  • Niels Bohr 1885-1962

    Niels Bohr 1885-1962
    Theorize that electron orbit the Nucleus.
  • Erwin Schrodinger 1887-1961

    Erwin Schrodinger 1887-1961
    Designed the SchrodingerCat experiment.
  • James chadwick 1891-1974

    Found the Nuetron when he combined beryllium atoms with alpha rays.
  • Louis de Broglie 1892- 1987

    Created the Brogile Equation.which states that any moving object has an associated wave.
  • Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976

    Uncertainty principle that states that you cannot know the velocity and position of a particle.
  • Sources

    Wikipedia, google images, google .
  • Aristotle 384-322 B.C.

    Denied that atoms existed. He theorize that all Substances were made of Earth, water, Air, and fire.
  • Dark ages 322 B.C.- 1627 A.D.

    The period of time where no inventions were created and no new discoveries about the atoms came up. the reason for this is that no one challenged the beliefs of aristotle because he was so respected, and his ideas were so well known and beleived.