Second Klan Founded
second Klan founded at stone mountain to fight immigration, communism, and anything else they didn't like -
18th amendment
congress passes the 18th amendment to make alcohal illegal -
Volstead act passed
Volstead act passed to enforce the 18th amendment -
Palmer Raid
Attorney General palmer raids Russian workers, in response to the Red scare and Arrests Thousands -
Soviet Ark
the soviety ark takes almost 300 deportees back to Russia due to the red scare -
Period: to
Prohibition of alcohal under the volstead act. Effective until repealled in 1933 -
Sacco and venzetti
Sacco and Vanzetti found guilty of murder, with little evidence brought up abouthe actual crime -
19th amendment ratified
the 19th amendment made it illegal to deny voting based on sex -
Period: to
Warren G harding's presidency until his death of a heart attack -
Emergency Quota Act
emergency act passed by congress to restrict immigration from a nation to 3% of that nations population the Us -
Sheppard Towner Act
Act supported maternity and child hood care, victory for femenists -
Period: to
Calivin Coolidge's presidency from HArding's death, through his reelection until Hoover took over in 1928 -
Equal rights amendment
Equal rights amendment brought to congress by the NArtional Women's PArty. Opposed by many who said women needed protection, not equality, and that equal pay would bring men's pay down. -
Democratic national convention
highly divisive convention, in which the Klna's power was show when they blocked a movement of censure against them -
National Origins Quota Act
Restricted immigration to 2% of that countries US population -
Scopes trial
scopes trial over evolution ends with scopes being found guilty. -
Klan declines
Klan membership declines rapidly after 1925 due to radicalism and lower public opinion -
Sacco and vanzetti executed
Sacco and Vanzetti are executed due to their trial in 1920 -
election of 1928
important election in forecasting the coming shift of the democratic party towards the cities and the Repoublicans towards rural areas -
Period: to
Hoover's presidency -
Black Tuesday
The stock market crash triggers the great depression tha twill go on for 12 years