Born in Baltimore, Maryland
to Arnold Rich and Helen Jones, Adrienne Rich grew up in financially comfortable and socially advantaged circumstances. -
Poet Adrienne Rich's first book was chosen by WH Auden for inclusion in the Yale Series of Younger Poets. -
Graduated from Radcliffe
Book: A Change of world
Selected for Yale Series of Younger Poets prize for this -
Married Alfred H. Conrad
A Harvard University economist; they had 3 sons -
Gave birth to her first child, David, published the second volume of The Diamond Cutters and Other Poems
Another son was born, Paul.
Her thrid son was born, Jacob.
Rich published Leaflets, a collection of poems about the political turmoil of the 1960's. Her reputation as an activist poet was established.
Rich won the National Book Award with the book Necessities of Life
Rich published Diving into the Wreck, a poem that according to critics transcends any easy thematic labeling because of its sheer artistic beauty and metaphorical brilliance.