Feb 24, 1463
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
(1463-1494)Italian Reinassance Philosopher(1486) Proposed to defend 900 these on Religion, Philosophy, Natural Philosophy And Magic Against All Comers -
Feb 19, 1473
Nicolas Copernicus is born.
1)Scientific Revolution Began with Copernicus
3)Mathmacitician & astronomer
4)Copernican Principle- Earth isw not in a central, specially favored position more recently,the principle has been generalized to the relativistic concept that humans are not privileged -
Dec 9, 1486
The Malleus Malificarum
The Malleus Malificarum (The Hammer of the Witches) is published as an influential guidebook to identifying witches and bringing them to punishment. -
Sep 24, 1501
Girolamo Cardano's Great Art
In mathematics, Girolamo Cardano's {1501-1576} The Great Art contained many algebraic innovations and new methods for treating equations of the third degree -
Dec 14, 1546
~Tycho Brahe is probably the most famous observational astronomer.
~Danish Nobleman
~Theorized a system distint from both the Ptolmetal and Corernican ones.
~Believed that the moon and sun revolve around the earth while other planets revolved around the sun -
Jan 22, 1561
Francis Bacon
-English Philosopher
-Inductive Reasoning
-argued for experimental methodology
-Died age 65 April 9,1626 -
Dec 27, 1571
+German Astronomer and mathmatician
+Student of Tycho
+didnt agree with Tycho's Interpretation of data
+Created Laws Of Planetay Motion
-Law of Ellipse: Planet Orbit the sun in elliptical patterns
-The line connecting the Sun toA Planet sweeps equal
areas in equal times.
-The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube (3rd power) of the mean distance from the Sun
in -
Rene Descartes
-Cogito ergo sum ("I Think Therefore, I am")
-"Father of Modern Mathmatics"
-Invented Dualism:putting, uniting concepts of soul, imnd, body in to one whole. -
Heliocentric theory
-Theory that the Earth and Planets revolve around the sun
-Established By Coernicus -
Isacc Netwon
*Isaac Newton was born in 1642 in a manor house in Lincolnshire.
*Scientific Revolution end with Newton.
Mathmacian , Astronomer, English Phycist
*Greatest Scientist