Twin towers

9/11 Terrorist attacks

  • The hijacking

    The hijacking
    At around 8:30 in the morning on September 11th the first plane (747 flight 11) was hijacked by Mohamed Atta. This caused confusion and an uproar in air traffic control at this time.
  • The Initial reaction

    The Initial reaction
    The first 747 airline (flight 11 hijacked by Mohamed Atta) drilled the north tower at around 8:46 A.M. Within minutes news anchors, news stations and the people of New York City had been alerted of the incidence and were immediately set into deep devastation and even confusion at first thought and sight.
  • The next hit

    The next hit
    At around 9:03 A.M, while citizens of America are just digesting the first crash, another 747 airline scheduled to fly into San Francisco, was purposely crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds have already been killed and the devastation and chaos had just begun.
  • The realization

    The realization
    After two 747 planes flown by highly trained and professional pilots both suddenly crashed into both of the World Trade Centers almost 20 minutes apart, along with air traffic control's word about a hijacking, the realization set in. The realization that these crashes were most likely not accidents, and that this was an act of terrorism. Now citizens of America could not even imagine what was about to go down in the next month, year, or even decade.
  • The War

    The War
    Later in the night after the attacks, George Bush had already spoken out about the terrorist attacks and speaking out on how cruel they were. George Bush made a statement that the U.S would eventually try and set out to win the war against terrorism.
  • The aftermath

    The aftermath
    The twin tower plane attacks killed hundreds on board the planes and almost 3000 people overall, whether that be in the streets of NYC or in the twin towers themselves. The devastation of this attack was evident of all the debris, smoke, and even corpses. At this time, it was evident that the clean up and mental digestion of the event would be terrible.