
Time Line of Astronomy Events and Discoveries

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Early 1500s: Copernicus noted that planets had discrepencies between observed and presumed positions
  • Spyglass

    The Spyglass was invented
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei invented the telescope and used it to look at the night sky; Discovered things about the solar system; discovered that the sun and the moon didn't have perfect surfaces
  • Sir Issac Newton

    Sir Issac Newton was a mathematician who develiped three laws involving forces and the universal law of gravity.
    Explained how planets remined in orbit
  • Bigger and better telescopes

    The mathematical equations that were necessary to explain plantary motion were figured out.
    People were building bigger and better telescopes.
  • Comet Hunters

    Charles Messier & J.L.E. Dreyer were comet hunters.
    They didn't do this for scientific purposes but rather to create a reference list to avoid confusion when looking for comets
  • Lord Rosse of Ireland

    Largest telescope at the time - reflective mirror that was 183 cm across
  • Sputnik 1

    The first artifical satellite launched into space by the former Soviet Union
  • Yuri Gagarin

    the first human to travel into space was from the former Soviet Union
  • Apollo II Mission

    The first man on the moon
  • Venera 7

    First time Venera 7 landed on the surface of the planet Venus and transmitted data.
  • Mission to Mars

    Viking missions to the planet Mars!
  • Voyager 1 & 2 Launched

    The Voyager 1 & 2 are launded
    They utilized a rare alignment of the gaseous to swing from one planet to the other using gravity as a pushing force.
  • Canadarm

    The first time the Canadarm was used on the Space Shuttle
  • Marc Garneau

    The first Canadian in space upon the Space Shuttle Challenger
  • Roberta Bondar

    The first Canadian woman upon the Space Shuttle Discovery