Attacks on Civil Liberty
President Wilson expressed some apprehension about U.S attitude toward the war. His prediction was correct; as soon was declared conformity became the order of the day. Attacks on civil liberties, both unofficial and official, erpted. "Once lead this people into war and thy'll forget there ever was such a thing as talerance.... conformity would be the pnly virtue, and every man who refused to conform would have to pay the penalty"-- Woodrow Wilson -
War Idutries Board
The WIB set productin quotas and allocated raw materials. Also, conducted psychological testing to help people find the right jobs. Industrial production in the U.S inreased by about 20%. -
War Economy
President Wilson established the NAtional War Labor Board to deal with disputes between managment and labor. To help produce and conserve food, Wilson set up the Food Administration and placed Herbet Hoover incharge. -
One American's Story
President Wilson ordered 7,000 troops to Russia. Police arrested five Russian immigrant anarchists, who opposed any and all forms of government.Those people had violated the newly passed Sedition Acts.