Tech timeline

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    First ever web browser

    Tim Berners-Lee had created the first ever web browser that would allow the internet to be accessible from more than one device at the time.
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    Text messaging

    Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert are the inventors of text messaging with Neil Papworth sending the first ever text message in 1992 which would change technology for decades to come.
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    Sony playstation

    The first ever playstation made was invented by Ken Kutaragi. The console used CD's which was never seen before at the time and attracted impressive sales when released in America in 1995.
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    Amazon had officially opened for business in 1995 as an online book shop, Jeff Bezos's motto was "get big fast" and they sure did.
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    MP3 player

    The first ever MP3 player was developed in 1998 and the inventor was Tomislav Uzelac. It had enough memory to hold up to 18 songs which was a first ever.