• America is weak

    Abu Walid al-Masri an Egyptian associate of bin Laden explained that Bin Laden had described America as weak. Masri-“He believed that the United States was much weaker than some of those around him thought,”....“as evidence he referred to what happened to the United States in Beirut when the bombing of the Marines base led them to flee from Lebanon,”. He had referred to the 1983 Beirut Barrack bombings that had killed 241 US servicemen.(Britannica)
  • Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
    The key operational planner of the 9/11 attacks. He had met Bin laden in Tora, Bora Afghanistan. Khalid planned to blow up dozens of American Flights in Asia in the mid 90's but failed. The 9-11 commission , which was set up by President Bush that Khalid presented the proposal for the operation to hijack planes and crash them into United States Buildings. This demonstrated that the organization of al-Qaeda was able to reach globaly. (Britannica)
  • Mohammed Atta

    Mohammed Atta
    Atta the lead hijacker, kept in contact with, Ramzi Binalshibh A key planner of the attacks through via email. Atta wrote as if he was taking to his girlfriend "Jenny" in which was encoded the plans readiness of his group. Atta also wrote “The first semester commences in three week Nineteen certificates for private education and four exams.” The referenced 19 “certificates” were code that identified the 19 al-Qaeda hijackers, while the four “exams” identified the targets of the attacks.
  • 8:46 AM

    8:46 AM
    The first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 flew into the World Trade Center. Hijackers had taken over the aircraft.(Britannica)
  • 9:03 AM

    9:03 AM
    United Airlines flight 175 had hit the south tower. America now knew that we were under attack.(britannica)
  • 9:37 AM

    9:37 AM
    American Airlines flight 77 had hit the pentagon. After this attach Federal Aviation Authority ordered a nationwide ground stop. (Britannica)
  • 10:03 AM

    10:03 AM
    The fourth and Final hijacked aircraft, American Airlines flight 93 had crashed near Shanksville in the Pennsylvania countryside. The passengers that were on the flight had tried to gain back control from the hijackers. (britannica)
  • 8:30 PM

    8:30 PM
    President George Bush addressed the tragic attacks against the United States and continued to talk about his plan for our foirgen policy. He said "We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them''. (Britannica)
  • "Ground Zero"

    "Ground Zero"
    President Bush Visited Ground Zero" which were the smoking piles of debris of what was left of the World Trade center and the thousands who had perished there. President Bush grabbed a bullhorn to address the rescue workers working feverishly to find any survivors. When a worker then asked what the president was saying Bush had said "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear from all of us soon." This was the most memorable remark.
  • 9/11 Memorial and museum

    9/11 Memorial and museum
    Today, there is a 9/11 memorial that occupies the footstep of where the twin towers stood. With the names of the fallen during the attacks engraved into bronze plates. Along with a tree that was badly damaged from the debris, which was nursed and brought back to health called the "survivors tree". Along with the museum