The Italian states have revolutions, but only Sardinia was successful. Mazzini takes power in Rome but he is tossed out, so he motivated many Italians to unity. -
The premier post of Sardinia is taken by the Count Cavour also strengthened the nation by by building military people and increasing the economy. also he wanted that Sardinia leads the unification and Victor Emmanuel be the king. -
Count Cavour decide to build up military and mobilizes against Austria Sardinia gains Lombardy ,Smaller Italian states join with Sardinia ; France takes Nice and Savoy. -
After all this war I taly Gains Rome ; and the French soldiers in Rome recalled to defend Paris during Franco-Prussian war, Italian soldiers take the undefended city. -
The red shirts fight well , and Rome is avoided because of the presence of the Frenchman. -
Carbonari " "coal burners" , and Young Italy . This both groups were working for Risorgimento or the Resurgence , -
Northern Italian and Southern s join together; The Kingdom of Italy is declared; Victor Emmanuel II is the first king of Italy . -
Count Cavour decided to send troops to the Crimean War to support or help the countries of Great Britain and France.