Hay Pauncefote Treaty
John Hay negotiates a treaty with Great Britain. The treaty allows the US to construct and control a canal in South America, on the condition that the canal would be free and open to ships from every nation. Allowed the Panama Canal to be built -
Russo-Japanese War
War breaks out betweening the two countries, worrying American president Roosevelt. he offered to arbitrate the dispute and soon convened a peace conference to end the war. Led to Japan's emergence as the dominant force in the Far East -
Roosevelt Corollary
An addition to the Monroe Doctrine that warned Latin American countries that America would intervene if they couldn't keep their affairs straight. Under it, Roosevelt established protectorates in Panama and Cuba, collected customs in the Dominican Republic and took charge of its revenue system. -
Taft-Katsura Agreement
Secretary of War Taft goes to Tokyo to negotiate. Here he helps create the Taft-Katsura Agreement, notes taken during conversations between him and Prime Minister Katsura about Japanese-American affairs. Gave Japan a free hand in Korea in return for its promise not to invade the Phillipines -
Root-Takahira Agreement
Agreement between Japan and America. Created in an exchange of diplomatic notes. The two countries recognized the status quo in the Pacific, support Chinese independence, and upheld the Open Door policy -
Taft Interferes In Nicaragua
Under his "dollar diplomacy" policy, Taft helps Nicaragua get a loan in exchange for American control of its national bank. He later sends soldiers to put down a revolt when Nicaraguans protested the agreement -
General Huerta Overthrows Madero
Trouble in Mexico began to affect America in the early twentieth century. in February, General Huerta killed Mexican president Madero and took over the country. Wilson refused to recognize Huerta until he created a just government based on law, not just on force. -
Completion of the Panama Canal
The Panama Canal is finally completed. An ocean steamer is the first ship to sail through the $375 million route. Many Latin Americans were angered by Roosevelt's actions in building the canal, but Roosevelt considered it his most important action in foreign affairs -
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Chapter 24 Timeline
Sinking of the Lusitania
A British ocean liner is sunk by a German U-boat, killing 1,198 passengars. The sinking outraged many Americans. Theodore Roosevelt demanded war, but President Wilson instead sent notes to Gemany to try to convince them to abandon submarine warfare. Germany offered an apology for American deaths and briefly stopped hunting passenger liners. -
Pancho Villa Revolts
Mexican General Pancho Villa revolted in early 1916. He led attacks on border towns that hurt Americans. He killed 17 Americans who were traveling by train through Mexico, and burned a New Mexico town, killing 16 more Americans. Wilson sent General Pershing into Mexican territory to hunt for Pancho Villa -
Sussex pledge
Agreement between Germany and the US, in which Germany's kaiser agreed to only shoot ships of the enemy's navy on sight. Began a brief period of friendly relations between the two countries -
Sedition Act
Congress passes the Sediton Act, severely punishing anyone who used abbusive or disloyal language about the American government, flag, or military uniformts. Led to the arrest of over 1500 people. -
Wilson Wins 1916 Election
Using the slogan "He kept us out of war," Wilson managed to defeat Republican opponent Charles Hughes by 23 electoral votes. -
Wilson Receives Zimmerman Telegram
In February, the British government intercepted a telegram that the German foreign minister had sent to the German ambassador in Mexico. The telegraph proposed an alliance with Mexico if it fought with the US. It also offered financial support for such a war and help recovering Mexico's "lost" territory -
America Declares War
After receving the Zimmerman telegram, Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war. He finally received it, though the vote wasn't unanimous and America was still divided over entering the war -
Committee on Public Information Formed
CPI is formed to publicize the war. Headed by journalist George Creel, the committe worked out a system of voluntary censorship, distributed pamphlets and posters, and enlisted men to give speeches on the "meaning of America." -
Espionage Act
Congress passes the Espionage Act. The law punished anyone found guilty of supporting America's enemies, interfering with military recruitment, or encouraging disloyalty. The postmaster general was permitted to remove any materials that could incite treason from the mail -
War Industries Board Created
One of the most powerful agencies that Wilson created to organize the wartime economy. Millionaire Bernard Baruch was placed in charge of the board. It oversaw production in all American factories, fixed prices, determined priorities, regulated the number of stops on elevators, and generally dictated the American economy -
Germany Surrenders
After American troops managed to break through one of Germany's main railroad supply lines and drive the Germans back along the front, Germany knew that they had lost the war. They asked Wilson for an armistice. Turkey, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary soon quit fighting as well -
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. Forced Germany pay $33 billion in reparations for the war, divided up German colonies in asia and Africa, created the League of Nations, and formed two new independent nations, Poland and Czechoslovakia