Lincoln Gets Elected For President
South Carolina Secedes
First State to Secede. -
Mississipi Secedes
Second State to secede.
Their main reasoning behind seceding was the states rights when it came to Slavery. -
Period: to
Civil War Timeline
Florida Secedes
Third State to Secede.
They secede because Abraham Lincoln had promised to raise taxes, and the south at the time were accounted for most of the tax money. -
Alabama Secedes
Fourth State to Secede.
They seceded mostly because of the fact that they wanted to hold slaves, while the Union wouldn't allow them. -
Georgia Secedes
Fifth State to Secede. -
Louisiana Secedes
Sixth State to Secede. -
Kansas Admits to the Union as a Free State
Texas Votes and Approves Secession
Abraham Lincoln Inagurated
Lincoln inaugurated to be the special senate session of the 37th congreses -
First Session of the Provisional Confederate Congress
Bombardment of Fort Sumter
During the bombardment there were no casualties except one Union artillerist was kidded and three were also wounded when a cannon exploded prematurely. -
Virginia Secedes
Seventh State to Secede. -
Arkansas Secedes
Eighth State to Secede. -
North Carolina Secedes
Ninth State to Secede. -
Tennessee Secedes
Tenth State to Secede.
Voters approve secession. -
First session of the 37th Congress Convenes
Eleventh State to Secede. -
First Session of the 37th Congress adjourns
Lexington and Missouri surrenders to Confederates
Jefferson Davis Elected as the Regular President of the Confederacy
Battle of Fort Donelson
This battle took place in Tennessee, where the Union outnumbered the Confederate.
Fort Donelson Surrendered to the Union on Febuary 16, 1862 -
First Session of the First Condeferate Congree Convenes
First Session of the First Confederate Congress Convenes
Homestead Act Becomes Law
General Robert E. Lee takes Command
Robert E. Lee assumes the position of Joseph E. Johnston after Johnston was wounded. -
Congress Passes the Militia Act
This act enabled persons of african descent to take part in military or naval services. -
Premilinary Emancipation Proclamtion
On this day President Lincoln read his proclimation to his cabinet. Following the victory at Antietam, he signed the proclamation and told the Confederacy what the intention was,
and the intention was to free all persons that were held as slaves. -
Lincoln Issues Emancipation Proclamation
On this day President Abraham Linoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation order on every state. -
Abraham Lincoln signs the National Currency Act
The President signs the act with a goal to establish a single currancy between the union and the confederacy. -
Abraham Lincoln signs a military conscrption act
Ulysses S. Grant Given Command of all the Armies in the United States
Battle Of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettyburg was fought throughout three days. With George G. Meade as the Union's Commander and Robert E. Lee Commanding the confederacy. There were over 50 000 casualties, but the Union still came out strong which made the confederate retreat with a comprimise allowing Lee and his soldiers to move south across the Potomac. -
Battle of Vicksburg
This battle was meant to give control of the Mississippo River to the victor. The Union's rush had a huge impact because 29 000 soldiers surrendered to them and also isolated Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas from Confederate contact. -
New York City Violently Erupts
This eruption was caused by the new laws passed by congress.
The law was to draft men to fight in the war.
The riots ended on July 16th, 1863. -
Gettyburg Address
One of the most imporatant speeches ever given in History.
The speech reached out to both the Union and Confederate, four and a half months after the Battle Of Gettysburg in commemoration. Lincoln had never addressed either side by the Union or Confederate instead he used the words "We" and "Us" and tried to bring the Nation together as one. -
Ulysses S, Grant is Given authority to command all the armies of the United States
Ulysses S. Grant's Rise to the Top
Ulysses S, Grant was made as the commander of all the Union armies. He had captured both Fort Hengery and Fort Donelson which let them use the Mississippi river for an advantage for the Union to attack. -
Lincoln President Once Again
Abraham Lincoln is re-elected as President, along with the Vice President Andrew Johnson. -
General Sherman's March
General William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union decides to leave Atlanta while it was captured. He eventually ends up capturing the port of Savannah on December 21, 1864, and gives the city to President Lincoln as a Christmas President. -
Thirteenth Amendment
The thirteeth amendment is passed by congress, which abolishes all slavery throughout the United States. -
Lee Surrenders
General Lee attempts to escape Lincoln's negotiations by running to the mountains, but was cut off and was forced to surrender. -
Lincoln's Assassination
While Abraham Lincoln was at Ford's Theater a man by the name of John Wilkes Booth shoots the President in the back of the head. -
Andrew Johnson
Lincoln dies the day after he was shot and Andrew Johnson becomes inaugurtaed as the 17th President of the United States.