Nov 3, 1215
Magna Carta
Is a document that limited the power of the king. -
Nov 3, 1300
Rebirth of thinking, ideas, arts, and culture. -
Nov 3, 1492
Nov 5, 1492
To get land. -
Nov 4, 1500
Columbian Exchange
The voages of the Columbus triggered a great transfer of people, plants, and animals, and diseases back and forth across the Alantic Ocean,The Columbian Excahnge brought valuable new crops such as corn and poatotes. -
Nov 5, 1500
Growth Of Mercantilism
Land plus Money equal Power -
Nov 4, 1513
Arrival of Conquistadors
They are spanish soldiers-explores,especially those who conquered the Native people of Mexico and people. -
Nov 4, 1540
Arrival of Missionaries
People who travels to a territory or a communiy in order to make converts to their religion. The converted other people to there religion. -
Introduction of Slavery
The slaves were African Americans because;White Indentured Servants were buying there own land, Native Americans were dying of dieases or running away, and southern planters increase the amount of land planted with rice and tabacoo. -
Middle Passage
How African American came to the 13 colonies . The hardships was that the people did the bathroom next to other people and you are really squished and tight in a small area. -
Puritans and Pligrams arrive
The reasons they were coming because they were coming for land, -
Jamestown Settled
First English settlement. The hardship was that there was other people already there. -
Indentured servants begin to arriving
They are a person who signed an agreement to work for a master for a period of years. Indentured servants were not free until the complete their terms of service. -
House of Burgesses
The first representitative essembley passed a law about africans being slaves for life. -
Mayflower Compact
That described they way they would govern themselves in the new world. -
Development Of Assemblies and Democracy
Assembly-An elected group of lawmakers
Democracy-Ruled by the people.In a democracy, citizens elect representatives to make and carry out laws. -
Rise of tobacco and other Cash Crops
Cash Crops - such as tobacco,sugar,and cotton, rasised in a large quantites in order to be sold for profit.The colony that more cash crops that planted is Southern Colony. -
Fundemental Orders
The first set of written laws in America.The people had the power to vote and pick he people the person to reprensent them. -
Is a lawmaking body of England, similar to congress in the United States. -
Great Awaking
It was important because it made the people now there religious freedom. -
Arrival of Early Americans
They crossed the Bering Straits searching for new resources.They traveled from Asia to the Americas.