Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"
Paul Revere Rides
Period: to
Revolutionary War
Ethan Allen and Gree Mountain Boys seize Fort Ticonderoga
George Washington is named Commander in Chief
The First Virginia Constitution
Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence
Redcoats defeat George Washington's Army in the Battle of Long Island
Washington crosses the Delaware and captures Trenton from Hessians
Washington victorious at Princeton
Flag Resolution
American Militia under General Stark Victorious at the Battle of Bennington, VA
Burgogne checked by Americans under Gates at Freeman's Farm, NY
Britishcapture Fort Miffin
Washington's Army winters in Valley Forge
The United States and France sign the French Alliance
Washington's Army leaves Valley Forge
The Redcoats Oceupy Savannah
British detachment at Port Royal Island, SC
Spain Declares war on Great Britain
British captures Charleston, SC
French Troops arrive to aid the Americans
Benedict Arnold plans to cede West Point to the British
Articles of Confederation Adopted
Cornwallis surrounded on land and sea and surrenders at Yorktown, VA
Lord North resigns as British Prime Minister
British and Americans sigh Preliminary Articles of Peace
The United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris