Labor Timeline

  • NLU

    Sought to improve working conditions through legislative reform.
  • CNLU

    Wanted to subdivide southern public land to give african americans some acreage
  • Knights Of labor

    Their goal was to organise all workers into one single union.
  • Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    The first major railroad strike. Salaries and wages were cut which led to violence and strikes
  • American Federation of Labor

    they seeked to get decent wages, safe working conditions, and limit the number of hours of work per day.
  • Haymarket Affair

    It began as a rally in support of striking workers but someone threw a bomb at the police who began firing and killed eachother and some strikers with their shots.
  • American Railway Union

    They were dedicated to uniting all rail road workers into one working force
  • Pullman Strike

    Started after workers walked out of Pullman Palace Car Company after failing negotations over the decreased wages.
  • I.W.W.

    Their goal is to abolish the wage system
  • Uprising of 20,000

    More than 20,000 women walked out over an 11 week strike.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    killed 146 garment workers, mostly women because they were unable to get out of the building due to the owners locking the fire escape doors so that the women wouldnt steal from the factory.
  • CIO

    The CIO was a federation of unions that organised workers in industrial unions in the U.S. and Canada.
  • AFL Cio

    a merger in 1955 brought the two unions: the AFL and CIO together.