United States Government: From Washington's Presidency to the Passing of the Judiciary Act

By staylor
  • George Washington's Presidency

    George Washington's Presidency
    Charles Thompson delivered the most important message a delivery boy could ever deliver to an important person in history
    This important message was meant to declare George Washington the nations%u2019 first President of the United States
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    A violent war broke out between France and Britain that led to thousands of citizens who were massacred during this war
    King Louis was also executed at one time during the horrible war
  • John Adams' Presidency

    John Adams' Presidency
    John Adams became the second president of the United States, but was the first president to govern from Washington D.C.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    These acts targeted mostly French immigrants and Catholics, lengthened time to become a U.S. citizen, gave the government power to throw disloyal immigrants in prison or out of the country if neccessary, and outlawed any written or spoken threats against the government
    These laws were passed by John Adams during hie Presidency
  • Passing the Judiciary Act

    Passing the Judiciary Act
    President John Adams passed this act to appoint as many Federalist judges as possible between 1800 and 1801
    This would mean the next President, whoever that may be, would face a firm Federalist judiciary
    Thomas Jefferson could do very little to prevent the Federalist judges that were appointed for life from being in the Judicial Branch of government, even though he was a Democratic-Republican
  • Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency
    The current President, John Adams, ran again for another term, which is 4 years, but was unsuccessful with doing so
    John Adams had 65 electoral votes while Thomas Jefferson had 73 votes
    Aaron Burr, also running for President, also had 73 votes, tying with Jefferson
    One of Alexander Hamilton%u2019s friends persuaded several Federalists to vote for Jefferson to break the tie and get it over with