The Diary Of Samuel Sewall - Timeline

  • Meeting

    There was a meetin inn Salem, where the persons being accused of witchcraft were examined.
  • Mass Executions

    Mass Executions
    George Burroughs, John Willard, John Proctor, Martha Carrier, and George Jacobs were executed at salem. A large number of spectators were present.
  • Giles Corey's Death

    Giles Corey's Death
    Giles Corey was pressed to death for standing mute. Stones were stacked on him for two days until he died.
  • Petition

    A petition was sent to town on behalf of Dorcas Hoar, who confessed to witchcraft. An order was sent to rhe sherrif to forbear her execution.
  • Bill

    A bill is sent in about calling a fast, and convocation of ministers, that may be led in the right was as to the witchcrafts.