U.S. Government

  • Articlas Of Confedretion

    Articlas Of Confedretion
    passed 11-15-1777
    didnt work well,first form of government, used it until 1788.
  • Hamiltons Finacal Plan

    Hamiltons Finacal Plan
    3 part plan
    1) pay off all was debt
    2) raise gov. revenues
    3) creat a national bank
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    first president and military leader. was a good leader.
  • Washingtons Cabinet

    Washingtons Cabinet
    4 groups of adivstors. sectary of was, state, treasury,and attorney general
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    building blocks to our laws and built all admendments to the constution
  • Remaining Netural

    Remaining Netural
    after the french revloution britain made it hard to remain netural we passed two tredies one with britain the jays treadie and one with spain the pinkies treadie
  • Battle Of Fallen Timbers

    Battle Of Fallen Timbers
    fight against NW terrtiory
  • Growth Of Political Party

    Growth Of Political Party
    split into 2 different groups fed.- dem.-rep.
  • Jefferson Take Office

    Jefferson Take Office
    he tied with arron burr. jefferson was a dem.- rep.
  • Adams Takes Office

    Adams Takes Office
    alien and sedition act targeted immgrants. thomas jefferson was his vice president