
Revolutionary Battles Of The South

  • 177


    The British captured Savannah G.A. with ease from the Patriots.
  • Vincennes 1778

    Vincennes 1778
    Patriot malitia took the British post in Indian And Illinois.
  • Vincennes 1779

    Vincennes 1779
    A few months after the Patriots took the fort the British took it back with a force of 500 men roughly half were Indians.
  • Charleston

    The British took Charleston. The colonist took their biggest loss of the war
  • Camden

    2,400 British troops defeated Patriot malitia and Continental Army troops
  • Kings Mt.

    Kings Mt.
    During Cornwallises campaign to invade N.C. Patriots defeated an army made up completely of Loyalist.
  • Cowpens

    1,000 Patriot troops stopped Cornwallises men in the same area as Kings Mt.
  • Guilford Court House

    Guilford Court House
    After a defeat at Cowpens Cornwallis had a victory at The Guilford Court House.
  • Yorktown

    Cornwallis got stuck in Yorktown where he had no excape. He surrenderd pretty much ending the war.