
My Life!

  • I was born!

    I was born!
    My parents were quite surprised when I was born as I was 4 weeks early! That's why I'm only as big as my Dad's hand.
  • My First Snowman

    My First Snowman
    It snowed for the first time when I was 2 years old. My Mum and Dad helped me build a snowman.
  • Isle of Wight holiday

    Isle of Wight holiday
    I went on holiday with my Mum, Dad, Nanny, Grandad, Auntie, Uncle and Cousin James when I was 2 years old. This is my Dad and I by the sea.
  • Baby Sister

    Baby Sister
    My sister Ellen was born 2 days after my 3rd birthday. What a great present for me!
  • Ballet Show

    Ballet Show
    I started ballet classes when I was 4 years old and this is my first show at Christmastime!
  • First pet!

    First pet!
    I came home from school one day to a FANTASTIC surprise - my Mum had bought us a cat! We called her Sophie and she was the prettiest cat ever.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    I went to Thorpe Lea Primary School. This is a picture of my friend Lauren and I on our first day - I was really nervous!
  • First flight

    First flight
    When I was 6 years old I went in an aeroplane for the first time! We went on holiday to Portugal - it was so warm and sunny!
  • My 6th birthday

    My 6th birthday
    I had a party at home and everyone got their faces painted. I was a puppy!