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Acceleration: The Agarian Era
The particular resources they favored was the adapting their tools and techniques with better efficiency to their local environments. -
Agarian Era
We define the agrarian era as “the era of human history when agriculture was the most important of all productive technologies and the foundations for most human’s daily life.” -
The people that were advanced with knowledge were the people in charge because they would specialize and increase independence between households and communities and it tightened the webs of obligation and dependence that bound individuals and communities together. -
People back then even practiced irrigation of some kind in afro-Eurasia, in the Americas, and even in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific. -
Where environmental conditions were different, the spread of agriculture had to await new techniques such as irrigation or new crops better adapted to the regions of new settlement -
By clearing forest, diverting rivers, terracing hillsides, and plowing the land, agriculturalists created landscapes that were increasingly anthropogenic (shaped by human activity). -
Within just two or three generations sedentary foraging communities that had lived in regions of abundance for a generation or two may have found that the people quickly outgrew the resources available in their environment. -
Over population would have posed a clear choice: migrate or intensify because, most of the people had to produce more food in the same area. -
Within the community’s population pressure and increasing exchanges of information generated a steady trickle of innovations in building, warfare, record keeping, transportation and commerce, and science and the arts. -
The particular resources they favored was the adapting their tools and techniques with better efficiency to their local environments. -
Agriculture spread most easily in regions that bordered established agricultural zones and that had similar soils, climates, and ecologies -
One of the powers was the diseases and how freely it was passed around to other nations and people because they were small and mobile. Thus the population grew and the exchanges between communities multiplied, and so more diseases were passed around to region to region. -
The main islands
The four most important world zones were the Afro-Eurasian landmass (which stretched from the far south of Africa to the far northeast of Siberia). The Americas, Australia, and the islands of the Pacific.