Jan 1, 1500
Leonardo da Vinci draws plans for human powered flight
in 1500 Leonardo da Vinci drew plans for human powered flight -
First demonstrated flight of first hot air balloon
Brothers Joseph and jaques Montgolfier of France demonstrated flight of the first hot air balloon. It flew 8km across Parris inflated by hot air -
Jean Pierre Blachared made voyage across english channel
He traveled in a hot air balloon -
Sir george Cayley made first glider with wings
The glider could not carry humans -
John Stringfellow constructed power driven model airplane
this model could not carry humans as it is only for plans for future development -
Henri Giffard flew steam driven airship across Parris
This airship cannot carry humans -
Sir George Cayley of England designed a monoplane glider
This glider could finally carry humans -
Otto Lilienthat developed methods to control flight
He figured that gy tilting your body a bit to the side you can turn when in the air -
First powered flight by Wright brothers
This plane had a engine attached to it so it could go farther than the glider -
Galbraith P. Rogers flew across the United States in 49 days
First airmail route established in United States
First crossing of Atlantic by air
2 planes complete a round the world flight
First women to fly across Atlantic by herself
First succesfull Helicopter flight
Spacecraft Apollo landed on the moon
First spaceshuttle is space called Columbia
First organic powered plane
Plane goes at speed of light
Robots drive the planes, new pilots
Planes are obsolite new transportation is teleportation