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  • The IBM PC

    The IBM PC
    Invented by Philip Don Estridge, on August 12, 1981, the IBM PC was the first personal computer, and it had a huge impact in the business world. Companies bought the PC in large amounts, and they were then used in work offices.
  • Compact Discs

    Compact Discs
    Invented by James Russell, compact discs were a digital disc storage format that was used to store and play digital audio recordings. Co-Developed by Philips and Sony. Manufactured in August 1982, but not released until October 1982. This enabled people to be able to listen to music easier, and it was much lighter than other music products.
  • The Cellular Phone

    The Cellular Phone
    Invented by Martin Cooper, in 1984, the Cellular Phone was the first hand-held phone that could connect to other phones. It was known as "the brick" because of it weighing over a kilogram. Wealthy people quickly started using these as it became an item everyone wanted.
  • The Apple Macintosh

    The Apple Macintosh
    Introduced in 1984, the Apple Macintosh project was started by Jef Raskin, but later changed and finished by Steve Jobs. It was the first widely available computer that didn't only rely on text-based interface. It gave people an opportunity to use their own computer at home.
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    Invented by Bill Gates, and released in November 1985, Microsoft Windows was a graphical user Interface in 16-bit. This helps allow personal computers to run, and computers were being given out more often.