Megan's Middle Ages Timeline

  • 500

    Teotihuacan reaches population peak in central Mexico

  • 511

    Clovis unites Franks under Christian rule

  • 527

    Justinian becomes ruler of Byzantine Empire

  • Oct 10, 630

    Muhammad returns to Mecca after making the Hijrah to Medina

  • Oct 10, 732

    Charles Martel defeats the Muslims at Tours

  • Oct 10, 732

    Charles Martel stops Muslim invasion (Charles Martel and advisers)

  • Oct 10, 1000

    Muslims scholars, who preserved Greek medical works, share them with Europeans

  • Oct 19, 1000

    Hausa city-states begin to emerge

  • Oct 10, 1066

    Norman invasion of England

  • Oct 10, 1095

    First Crusade begins

  • Oct 10, 1100

    Muslim literature flourishes

  • Oct 19, 1100

    Mississippian culture thrives at Cahokia

  • Oct 10, 1190

    Holy Roman Empire weakens

  • Oct 10, 1192

    Kamakura Shogunate rules Japan (Kamakura period painting)

  • Oct 10, 1215

    King John approves Magna Carta

  • Oct 19, 1235

    Sudiata founds Mali Empire

  • Oct 10, 1240

    Mongols destroy Kiev (Mongolian archer on horseback)

  • Oct 10, 1279

    Kublai Khan Conquers China

  • Nov 3, 1300

    In the 1300s the Renaissance begins in Italian city-states such as Florence, Milan, and Mantua

  • Dec 5, 1300

    Osaman founds Ottoman state

  • Oct 19, 1324

    Mali king Mansa Musa goes on hajj to Mecca

  • Oct 19, 1325

    Aztecs build Tencochtitlan

  • Oct 10, 1347

    Bubonic plague strikes Europe

  • Dec 5, 1398

    Timur the Lame destroys Delhi

  • Dec 5, 1405

    Zheng He takes first voyage

  • Dec 5, 1419

    Prince Henry founds navigation school

  • Oct 10, 1429

    Joan of Arch leads the French to victory over the English at Orleans

  • Nov 3, 1434

    Medici family takes control of Florence

  • Oct 19, 1438

    Pachacuti becomes Incan emperor

  • Oct 10, 1453

    Constantinople falls to Ottoman Turks

  • Oct 10, 1453

    Hundred Years' War ends with French victory

  • Dec 5, 1453

    Ottomans capture Constantinople

  • Nov 3, 1455

    Gutenberg Bible printed in Mainz

  • Oct 19, 1464

    Sunni Ali begins Songhai Empire

  • Dec 5, 1492

    Columbus makes first voyage

  • Dec 5, 1494

    Spain and Portugal sign Treaty of Tordesillas

  • Dec 5, 1501

    Safavids conquer Persia

  • Oct 19, 1502

    Montezuma II crowned Aztec emperor

  • Nov 3, 1517

    Martin Luther begins the Reformation in Wittenberg

  • Dec 5, 1521

    Cortes conquers Aztec Empire

  • Dec 5, 1526

    Babur founds Munghal Empire

  • Dec 5, 1533

    Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

  • Nov 3, 1534

    English king Henry VIII starts the Church of England

  • Nov 3, 1563

    Council of Trent mandates reforms in Catholic Church

  • Shah Abbas I rules Safavid Empire

  • Tokugawa shoguns rule Japan

  • English found Jamestown

  • Champlain claims Quebec for France

  • Dutch open trade with Java

  • Shah Jahan orders construction of Taj Mahal at Agra

  • Manchus establish Qing Dynasty in China

  • French and Indian War begins

  • Britain seeks to trade with China

  • Al-Khwarizmi writes the first algebra texbook

  • Byzantine culture spreads to Russia

  • Tang Dynasty begins 289-year rule in China (Tang statuette)

  • Heian period begins in Japan

  • Koryu Dynasty controls Korea

  • Song Dynasty established in China

  • Pope Leo III crowns the Frankish king Charlemagne emperor

  • Treaty of Verdun divides Charlemagne's empire

  • Outside invasions spur growth of feudalism

  • Otto the Great becomes emperor

  • Capetian dynasty begins in France

  • Anasazi culture develops in the Southwest

  • Empire of Ghana thrives on trade

  • Classic period of Maya civilization ends