Period: to
Germany and declarations of war. -
Wall Street Crash
The value of shares on the american stock market collapse. People tried frantically to sell their shares before the prices fell even further. This was the start economic crisis that devastated yhe whole world. Depresion in Germany. -
Mussolini goes to war.
Mussolini goes to war to began a military compaign to extend italys influence in Europe and Africa. Hitler and him were allies. In 1943 Mussoliniu executed and hitler takes the power. -
The begining of France depression.
(1931- 1935) France has economic problems and also unempolyment. The membership of the French communist party rose dramatically at the same time. -
Japanese Army
They organise an army collapsed an armed clash with chinese forces in Manchuria, -
Depression in Britian
(1928-1932) Britain was being afected by the wall street crash. Because their were not producing the same amount they had produced in 1914. -
Germany economic dfficulties
After the crash in USA in Germany six million unemployed. The economic difficulties contributed to a meteoric rise in support for the Nazi party. As a result, the Nazi party wins the votes of nearly 40 percent of voters in elections to the Reichstag (German parliament) in July 1932. At this point, the Nazi party became the largest party in the German parliament. -
New President Roosevelt
He was elected governor by a margin of 25,000 votes in a participation of 2.2 million. Called for a new deal of America was based on goverment spending on public project and goverment help for business and farmers. -
Hitler become Chancellor
Hitler become chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed they had found the savior of the nation.Apointed by the president. He was able to deal with other parties. He took complete control. -
Democracy came to an end
When the Reichstag passed the so-called `enablig law´. This gave hitler power to introduce future laws without agreement of Reichstag. Hitler dictator of Germany. The weimar republic died and this was the end of democracy. -
Japan left the league.
The league council accepted the lytton committee report. It criticised Japan but did not recommend a trade ban or the use of force. Japan was not prepared to acept army criticism. -
Out of the league
Hitler goues out of the league of nations. He withdrew Germany from the disamament conference that had been meeting at Geneva since 1932. -
Hitler introduced conscription.
He began to increase massively the number of Germans soldiers. The limits on german power in the treaty of versailles had been completely over turned. -
Town of stresa.
Mussolini met the franche and british prime minister in italy at the town of Stresa. -
Spanish civil world broke out.
Geramny and italy sent help to antigoverment side. -
Mussolini and Hitler allies.
Mussolini and hitler agree to work together. Mussolini likes hitler policies. Both were facists. -
Munich Conference was called
Hitler has already annexed Austria the year before. Now he wanted to also take the "Sudetenland" region of Czechslovakia and make the territory a part of Germany. He claimed that the German speaking inhabitants of this land were being mistreated by the Czech government. Hitler met with representatives of the heads of state from France, the United Kingdom and Italy. -
Sudetenland occupied by Germany.
The Sudetenland was occupied by Germany between October 1 and October 10, which had three million German-speaking citizens. Hitler did not want to march into the Sudetenland until he was certain that France and Britain would not intervene. -
Hitler had invaded Czechoslovakia
Chamberlain promised to defend Poland if the Nazis invaded. The main reason for this was because on 15 March 1939, Hitler had invaded Czechoslovakia – a non-German country. People realised that appeasement had failed. They realised that Hitler wanted to rule the world, and would only be stopped by war. -
Soviet Union suggested a three-power military alliance
The three-power military alliance was with Great Britain and France. In a speech on 4th May, Winston Churchill urged the government to accept the offer.)
There is no means of maintaining an eastern front against Nazi aggression without the active aid of Russia. Russian interests are deeply concerned in preventing Herr Hitler's designs on eastern Europe. It should still be possible to range all the States and peoples from the Baltic to the Black sea in one solid front against a new outrage of in -
Stalin dismissed Maxim Litvinov.
Maxim Litvinov was his Jewish Commissar for Foreign Affairs. Litvinov had been closely associated with the Soviet Union's policy of an antifascist alliance. Meetings soon took place between Vyacheslav Molotov, Litvinov's replacement and Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister. -
Winston Churchill, speech in the House of Commons
He proposals put forward by the Russian Government contemplate a triple alliance against aggression between England, France and Russia, which alliance may extend its benefits to other countries of and when those benefits are desired. The alliance is solely for the purpose of resisting further acts of aggression and of protecting the victims of aggression.Clearly Russia is not going to enter into agreements unless she is treated as an equal, and not only is treated as an equal, but has confidenc -
Nazi Soviet Pact.
The Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed in Moscow. Under the terms of the agreement, both countries promised to remain neutral if either country became involved in a war.
Joachim von Ribbentrop arranged the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact.To seek a settlement with Russia was a very own idea which he urged on Hitler because he sought to create a counter-weight to the West and because he wanted to ensure Russian neutrality in the event of a German-Polish conflict. -
Invasion of Finland.
Stalin invaded Finlad and ended with the annexation of Karelia and the occupation of hangar that would serve the Russian naval base. Following the implementation of the secret clause in the summer of 1940 the USSR occupied Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and forced Romania ceded northern Bukovina and Bessarabia.