80’s Computer History

  • Seagate ST506

    Seagate ST506
    Produced by Seagate Technology it was the first hard drive disk for personal computers and consisted of a 5 megabytes of storage capacity. While it transferred data at 625 kilobytes per second it also created the disk interface for early hard drives later on.
  • IBM PC

    IBM PC
    Using a Microsoft operating system, it was able to connect to the TV, access games, and process text. It did not contain a disk drive but it ran off of 16 kilobytes of RAM. Also had two programs: VisiCalc (for spreadsheets) and EasyWriter (for word processing). It was invented by Philip Estridge, William Lowe, and Mark Dean (Mark was more of the engineer/brains of the invention).
  • Computer Generated Imagery

    Computer Generated Imagery
    Used in the movie Star Trek 2, it was the first completely computer generated cinematic imagery sequences. Deemed the Genesis effect. CGI was also widely known as being used in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Both were the first movies to utilize the new features immensely.
  • Macintosh is introduced

    Macintosh is introduced
    Invented by Steve Jobs and was the first commercially successful personal computer to feature two known, but still unpopular features: the mouse and the graphical user interface. It was the first computer to feature GUI, allowing people to use the machine with icons and pictures and revolutionized personal computing.
  • CD-ROM

    Invented by Japanese company Denon, pre-pressed compact discs containing data readable by a computer for data storage, but not writable to by the computer. The CD-ROM format was compatible with the CD format introduced for music in 1982-83. Denon later introduced it to Sony in 1984.