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8 Major Events in the History

By ni.yak_
  • The First spam

    The First spam
    The history of spam; the very first unsolicited electronic messages are believed to have been transmitted
  • The First Register Domain Name

    The First Register Domain Name
    the first domain ever was registered: If you go to the domain today, the owners of it have turned it into an online museum of the internet focusing on the innovation, technology and science that got us where we are today.
  • The World Wide Web Goes Live

    The World Wide Web Goes Live
    the World Wide Web launched into the public domain. The web made it simple for anyone to navigate the internet. All users had to do was launch a new program called a "browser," type in a URL and hit return.
  • HotMail First Ignited

    HotMail First Ignited
    Bhatia, Smith and the rest of their team flipped some switches in their Silicon Valley office and brought Hotmail online for the first time.
  • The First Social Network

    The First Social Network
    The first recognizable social media site, in the format we know today, was Six Degrees – a platform that enabled users to upload a profile and make friends with other users.
  • Wi-Fi

    WiFi was invented and first released for consumers in 1997 when a committee called 802.11 was created.
  • Wikipedia

    The launch of Wikipedia; Wikipedia, one of the most widely used online encyclopedias, was launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger
  • Twitter Launched

    Twitter Launched
    The first Twitter prototype, developed by Dorsey and contractor Florian Weber, was used as an internal service for Odeo employees.