Chapter 18: The French Revolution and The Age of Napoleon

  • Period: to

    french revolution

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  • Harvest Problems

    In 1787 and 1788 there was bad harvest and slowdown in manufacturing which caused food shortages, rising prices in food, and unemployment.
  • Third estate's issue with system.

    Louis XVI called a meeting of the estates-general at Versailles. The 1st and 2nd estates had about 300 representatives while the 3rd had about 600. The 3rd estate did not like the system they had where each representative in 3rd estate had one vote each while the 2nd and 1st had 2. The 3rd estate found this unfair since it made them always lose votes. In the meeting they wanted King Louis XVI to change the system to a more fair system but the king said he favored the current system.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Third Estate declared that it was the national
    assembly and would draft a constitution. Three days later they came to the meeting place to find the doors had been locked. so they went to a nearby indoor tennis court and swore they would continue the meeting until they had a new constitution. the oath they swore became known as the tennis court oath.
  • Louis XVI attack on third estate

    Louis XVI was prepared to use violence to stop the third estate from making their own set of rules and their own constitution so he gathered about 900 Parisians in the courtyard of Bastille.
  • National Assembly Reacts to Peasants Revolution

    The national assembly decided to abolish all
    legal privileges of the nobles and clergy.
  • Napoleon became commander of french armies in Italy

    at about age 26 he was a commander or french armies in Italy. There he won a series of battles with qualities he became famous for- speed, surprise, and decisive action.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte came to power

  • Napoleon became consul

    Napoleon took part in the coup d’état of 1799 that overthrew the directory and set up a new government, the consulate. It was a republic, but, in fact, Napoleon held absolute power. Napoleon was called first consul, a title from ancient rome.
  • Paris Captured, Napoleon's First Exile

    Paris was captured in March 1814. Napoleon was soon sent into exile on the island of Elba, off the northwest coast of Italy.
  • Napoleon's Final Defeat

    At Waterloo in Belgium on June 18, 1815, Napoleon met
    a combined British and Prussian army under the Duke of
    Wellington and suffered a bloody defeat. This time, the
    victorious allies exiled him to St. Helena, a small island in
    the south Atlantic.
  • Napoleon's Second and Final Exile

    This time, the victorious allies exiled Napoleon to St. Helena, a small island in the south Atlantic. Napoleon remained in exile until his death in 1821, but his memory haunted French political life for many decades.