7th grade World History Timeline

By vc2699
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon dies

    King Solomon dies
  • 721 BCE

    Israel falls to the Assyrains

    Israel falls to the Assyrains
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonia invades Judah

    Babylonia invades Judah
  • 539 BCE

    Persians conquer Babylonians

    Persians conquer Babylonians
  • 329 BCE

    Greeks take over specifically the Spartans

    Greeks take over specifically the Spartans
  • 63 BCE

    Roman's take over

    Roman's take over
  • 22 BCE

    Herod builds grander temple for Jews

    Herod builds grander temple for Jews
  • 66

    Jews rebel against Romans

    Jews rebel against Romans