7th Grade World History Timeline

By ds2671
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon Dies

    King Solomon Dies
  • 721 BCE

    Assyrians Take Over

    Assyrians Take Over
  • 597 BCE

    Babylonia Invades

    Babylonia Invades
  • 597 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzar Destroys Solomons Temple

    Nebuchadnezzar Destroys Solomons Temple
  • 539 BCE

    Persians Conquer Babylonians

    Persians Conquer Babylonians
  • 139 BCE

    Greeks Take Over

    Greeks Take Over
  • 63 BCE

    Romans Take Over

    Romans Take Over
  • 22 BCE

    Herod Built a Grand 2nd Temple

    Herod Built a Grand 2nd Temple
  • 66

    Jews Rebelled

    Jews Rebelled
  • 66

    Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakkai Smugled hiimself out of Jerusalem in coffin

    Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakkai Smugled hiimself out of Jerusalem in coffin
  • 70

    King Titus and 60,000 Destroy the Temple

    King Titus and 60,000 Destroy the Temple
  • 135

    Romans Suppressed Another Revolt and Forced Many Jews To Flee

    Romans Suppressed Another Revolt and Forced Many Jews To Flee
  • Israel Becomes a Jewish State

    Israel Becomes a Jewish State