931 BCE
King Solomon
632 BCE
632 BCE After M's death 632 CE Islam spread through Arabia, Peninsula
632 BCE
632 BCE Muhammad led his last pilgrimage to Mecca
624 BCE
624 there was a fight between Muslims and Meccans
622 BCE
622 M and his followers left the city of Mecca
611 BCE
613 CE started to preach to other Meccans
608 BCE
610 M went on a religious retreat in a cave in the mountains in 610 CE
539 BCE
King Cyrus Concorded the Babylonians
380 BCE
380 CE Christianity official realign of Roman empire
313 BCE
313 CE Emperor Constantine made the edict of Milan it gave Christians freedom to practice their realign
167 BCE
Maccabi revolt
139 BCE
First Hanukkah
66 BCE
66 BCE Judea was under roman empire rule
65 BCE
Paul died in 65 CE cause Beheaded
64 BCE
Romans begin taking land
60 BCE
In the 60s CE Christians started to attached romans
37 BCE
37 BCE King Herod became king of Judea
30 BCE
Jesus died 30 CE
22 BCE
King Harrod Lived in 22 BCE
Jesus Born 6 Ce
King Titus and 60,000 soldiers destroyed the whole temple
Jews Rebelled from the Romans
Romans Rebelled and forces Jews to flee
570 CE M was born
630 Muslims and Meccans broke truce for the fight
643 emprie lands in Iraq, Persia, North Africa, Eastern Meditterean
661 Former Supporters Killed Ali
656 rebels killed Uthman
661 Umayyad's moved there capital to Damascus Syria
In 1948 UN said that Israel should be a state