7c personal timeline 23

By Leo 23
  • 0 When I saw life

    0 When I saw life
    When I was born, I saw my parents for the first time. I saw everything and I was scared because I don’t know anything yet. But after the nurse is done. Everything It’s time to start my life!!
  • +5 My first birthday

    +5  My first birthday
    I didn’t know what was happening but it was fun. I started growing up more and I know a bit of life now.
  • +3 Learning basics

    +3  Learning basics
    I was learning how to walk and all the basic stuff to learn. After that I started saying letters and know how to draw. Also this does include running, numbers and sounding out letters.
  • -3 Starting school!

    -3  Starting school!
    When I started to go to kindergarten I cried all the time because my mom was not there. I cried because I was really close to my mom. All the teachers were shocked and tried their best to stop me from crying.