Captura de pantalla 2018 12 05 a la(s) 9.12.22 a. m.


  • A new baby was born

    A new baby was born
    On February 11 of 2006 a new baby named Mariana Busto Osorio arrived to the Busto Osorio fammilly . I was born on the Sanatorios Santa Maria .
  • my first word

    i said my first word "dad"
  • my first steps

    i gave my first step
  • My new favorite hobbie

    My new favorite hobbie
    My favorite hobby was swimming .
    I started to do it when I was three years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept swimming . I advanced really quick . I was happy when I swam and I loved my clases .
  • a great experience

    I have always loved to swim and personally I think that I was never bad, actually I was really good, from a very early age I already knew how to swim, I also love animals and as a child I had an obsecion with them. For first time in my life i swam with my favorite animal at the time , The Dolphin !
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    i started playng piano
  • 1st day on ASP

    1st day on ASP
    My firs day on 1st grade at de American School of Pachuca
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    i went to primary
  • soccer

    I join the soccer team
  • Primary graduation

    Primary graduation
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    i started secondary on asp
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    we won second place on the state league