Jan 1, 1500
3000 BC Abacus Invented
Jan 1, 1500
80 AD - bronze mechanical lunar month calculator constructed in Greece
Note worthy: Donuts invented in Holland - Holes in donuts came in 1850
Holes in donuts came in 1850 -
Period: to
History of Mechanical Computing
First slide ruler invented - William Oughtred
Calculating clock invented for multiplying large numbers - Wilhelm Schickard
Adding machine invented - Blaise Pascal Note worthy:Galileo Dies, Isacc newton born.
mechanical calculator built - Samuel Morland
Introduction of Binary Mathematics - Gottfried Leibnez
Sandwich is first created
first to build and sell calculating machines accurate to 12 digits - Phillip-Malthus Hahn
Multiplying calculator invented - Earl of Stanhope
Note worthy: invention of the automated loom which used punch cards to reproduce complex patterns
First mass marketed calculating mahine -Thomas de Colmar's Arithmometer
Charles Babbage begins work on Difference Enging
Type Writer patented -
Telegraph invented - Sameil B Morse
Babbage begins work on the analytical machine
First programmer - Lord Byron's daughter, Ada, countess of Lovelace suggests to Babbage that he use binary code
Boolean Logic developed - George Boole
First printing calculator invented - Scheutz
Noteworthy: Potato chips invented
Noteowrthy: Macine gun invented - George Gattling
Telephone invented - Alex Bell
Noteworthy: Coca-cola invented
First punch card data processing machine introduced - Herman Hollerith
Use to compile information for the 1890 US Census -
Noteworthy: first baseball cards issued
First adding machine with printer - William Burroughs
Magnetic recording invented
Tabulating Machine Company started - Hollerith
Vacuum tube invented - William DeForest
Hollerith's company merges to become the Calculating, Tabulating and Recording Company
Noteowrthy: Einstein publishes his Theory of Relativity
the Calculating,Tabulating and Recording Company changes it name - IBM started.
IBM adopts 80 column punch card used for next 50 years.
SPAM is introduced in America - NO, not fake email!
Electric Typewrite introduced - IBM
Noteworthy: David Packard and William Hewlett start HP in thier garage.
First programable calculating machine completed. Konrad Zuse