nondum lucet, Cornelia surgit et per villam ambulant.
It is not yet light, Cornelia get up and walks through the country house. -
multi servi mox strenue in agris laborant.
Many slaves will soon work strenously in the field. -
aquam e rivo portant servi.
The slaves carry water out of the river. -
cibum coquere parat Thressa, cotidie coquit.
Thressa prepares to cooks food, she cooks everyday. -
nondum lucet - servi laborant.
It is not yet light - the slaves work. -
Cornelius Davum reprehendit quod in horto sedet neque laborat.
Cornelius blames Davus because he sists in the garden and does not work. -
Cornelia ancillas observat.
Cornelia watches the slave-women. -
ancillae villam purgant.
The slave-woman clean the house. -
ancillae cibum coquunt.
The slave-woman cook the food. -
Non ignavae sunt.
They are not lazy.