
How has the electric telephone changed our lives?

  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    He invented a string telephone that pass on sounds over an extended wire by mechanical vibrations.
  • Telegraph

  • Innocenzo Manzetti

    Innocenzo Manzetti
    first person that debatabled the idea of a “speaking telegraph” (telephone).
  • Charles Bourseul

    Charles Bourseul
    He writes an article on the principles of the telephone.("Transmission électrique de la parole", L'Illustration, Paris, 26 August 1854).
  • Antonio Meucci

    Antonio Meucci
    He displays an electric voice-operated device in New York; it is not clear what kind of device he demonstrated.
  • Johann Phillipp Reis

    Johann Phillipp Reis
    He constructs the first speech-transmitting telephone
  • Bell's U.S. Patent 161,739

    Bell's U.S. Patent 161,739 "Transmitters and Receivers for Electric Telegraphs" is granted. This uses multiple vibrating steel reeds in make-break circuits, and the concept of multiplexed frequencies.
  • "gallows" telephone

    "gallows" telephone
    Bell uses a bi-directional "gallows" telephone that was able to transmit "voicelike sounds", but not clear speech. Both the transmitter and the receiver were identical membrane electromagnet instruments.
  • Elisha Gray

    Elisha Gray
    Establishes Western Electric Manufacturing Company.Also, Gray invents a liquid transmitter for use with a telephone however he does not make one.
  • first telephone

    first telephone
    Bell's U.S. patent No. 174,465 for the telephone is established
  • first telephone sentence

    first telephone sentence
    Bell transmits the sentence: "Mr. Watson, come here! I want to see you!" using a liquid transmitter and an electromagnetic receiver.
  • next investion of Bell

    Bell's U.S. next patent is settled for an electromagnetic telephone using permanent magnets, iron diaphragms, and a call bell.
  • Edison's patent

    Edison's patent
    Edison files for a patent on a carbon (graphite) transmitter. His patent was granted on May 3, 1892, after a 15-year delay because of litigation.
  • Western Electric Non Dial Candlestick

    Western Electric Non Dial Candlestick
  • A new Western Electric Candlestick however now is Dial

    A new Western Electric Candlestick however now is Dial
  • Western Electric "102"

    Western Electric "102"
    Western Electric introduced a new model "102" in 1927. It was their first phone that using a handset and combined the transmitter and receiver.
  • Western Electric "202" with Dial

    Western Electric "202" with Dial
  • Reginald Fessenden

    Reginald Fessenden
    He displays a shrore-to-ship radio telephony
  • Martin Cooper makes the first call on a hand-held mobile

    Martin Cooper makes the first call on a hand-held mobile
    Martin Cooper, invented the first practical mobile phone for hand-held use in a non-vehicle setting, Using a modern, heavy portable handset, Cooper made the first call on a hand-held mobile phone to his rival, Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs
  • The first mobile phones were available

    The first mobile phones were available
  • Motorola DynaTAC

    Motorola DynaTAC
    The first 1G network started in the USA using the Motorola DynaTAC mobile phone.
  • The first "modern" network technology on digital 2G (second generation) cellular technology was launched

    The first "modern" network technology on digital 2G (second generation) cellular technology was launched
  • The first commercial launch of 3G in Japan

    The first commercial launch of 3G in Japan
    by NTT DoCoMo on the WCDMA standard.
  • Digital Telephone

    Digital Telephone
    Up to 10% of telephone given to in Japan and South Korea have changed to this digital telephone service.
  • Telephones Today

    Telephones Today
    Every day new, more modern and with higher technology telephones and mobiles are created. The telephone today has become a necessity for each one of us, rather than a want. Humans get intrested in electric phones, and especially in cell phones, from a very young age.Without the electric phone, our world would be lost, since many people can't even imagine their life without it.