
  • Period: to


  • Bank Problems

    September, 1931. A bank panic spreads across the nation. Over 800 banks shut down in September and October.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
    Howard Hawks films Scarface. Surrealist exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York.
  • Chancellor Appointed

    During this year in Germany. President Hindenburg appoints Adolph Hitler Chancellor of Germany. The Nazis burn the Reichstag and accuse the Communists of doing it.
  • Stalin

    Stalin begins the great purge of the Communist party in the USSR. He arrests, imprisons and executes many old Bolsheviks. The purges continue until 1939.
  • Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act is passed. it was a bill that generated many programs to help numerous groups of Americans. The law got its title from the social insurance program. It was designed to provide a steady income for retired workers aged 65 or older.
  • Germany Invades

    Germany invades the Rhineland, which it had lost to France in WWI. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by sending German military forces into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone along the Rhine River in western Germany.
  • Non-aggression Pact

    President Roosevelt sends private message to Britain, France, Germany and Czechoslovakia recommending arbitration of the Sudetenland crisis. Hitler agrees to sign the pact but doesn't do so until a year later.
  • WWII

    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. The U.S. and Belgium declare neutrality, as World War II begins in Europe.
  • Tripartile Pact

    Germany, Japan and Italy sign the Axis, or Tripartite, Pact
  • Leading up to the Battle of Britian

    Germany occupies Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and France. The Battle of Britain begins.
  • Franklin for President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President in a very bad economy. His goals are to make the economy better.