
The Life of Sterling Leigh Strom

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
  • My first experience with snowww

    My first experience with snowww
    This was the first time that I had ever seen snow, and it was the most exciting thing to me. It was absolutely beautiful!!!
  • The day my sister, Anna Catherine, was born.

    The day my sister, Anna Catherine, was born.
    My sister was born on March 26, 1997. This was one of the happiest days of my life. We are seven years apart and I love the age difference. She is my best friend and I love her dearly.
  • My major change into high school and changing schools!

    My major change into high school and changing schools!
    I had always attended Huxford Elementary School in Atmore, Alabama (where my mom teaches) and I loved every minute of it, but I had to transfer in the 7th grade. Huxford only goes through the 6th grade so I had to go to Monroe Academy in Monroeville. I was so excited about attending MA, but at the same time I was so incredibly nervous. I mean I had to adjust to a new school and adjust to being in highschool.
  • My 16th Birthday!!!!!

    My 16th Birthday!!!!!
    I turned 16 Febuary 16th,2006. I had a surprise party with over 50 people. I had never been so surprised in my life. I got my car keys that night, and got my car the next morning. I had everything that a sixteen year old girl ever wanted.
  • One of the most heart felt moments in my life!

    One of the most heart felt moments in my life!
    On March 24, 2007, I was touched my adoption. This family that I am very close to adopted their little girl Mary Boyd Robinson. I have babysat her every since she has been here, and she my heart. I adore her so much, she is like another baby sister, She is so special in my eyes and adoption has never touched my heart so much! I love this child with ALL my heart and always will.
  • Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz
    At the beginning of my senior year, I was chosen to dance as the Tin Man in the local Wizard of Oz Dance production. I had never been so happy to be chosen for something in my entire life. I had praticed the tin man since July and I was ready for action when November came around.

    On may 23, 2008, I graduated from Monroe Academy with 36 classmates. This was a very happy but bittersweet time in my life. My classmates and I were like a family since, we were a small class. I loved everyone of them in a special way.
  • Alabama Southern!

    Alabama Southern!
    After high school, I attended Alabama Southern Community College in Monroeville, Al. I loved every minute of it and would go back in a heart beat. I lke South, but nothing will ever compare to Alabama Southern. I hope to eventually work there,